The new date for Take Care is November 15th, 2011. I managed to create this album in my hometown of Toronto and the thoughts and stories I wanted to get across just became so clear. It truly felt like when I was here 3 years ago making So Far Gone. So I have completed 19 songs (17 on physical and 2 on bonus), and have run into a roadblock of clearing 3 samples in time to make the October 24th date. My options were to take the songs off and make the birthday release happen, or to take an extra couple weeks to get the paper work right and give you the album they way I NEED you to hear it. The choice was clear as day for me. November 15th you will get Take Care the exact way I created it with no trimmings. This music means too much to me to get attached to dates and I do apologize for the delay but I promise that it is only for the benefit of our experience together. Club Paradise Tour will also be moved to when students are back from the Christmas/New Year break so that I can get to more schools. New dates will be released in the next week...see you all soon.



Saturday, October 8, 2011



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charliepoll said...

YESSS THAT'S MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. Definitely coppi g the birthday edition <3

Anonymous said...

I don't care , as long as it comes out! OVO Follow me @SpeakerKnockerz

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Desi said...

love your music <3

Jake said...

I guess I can wait.

Desi said...

love your music bruh <3

Anonymous said...

November 15th is the day i lost my virginity so i'm not complaining lol. Drizzy you're gonna kill this album.

Unknown said...

respect bro. you're a true artist, go be an artist. and fuck whoever gives you shit for it.

Anonymous said...

Ah, closer to my bday. Can't wait! OVOXO

Anonymous said...

follow @deathrowinmates!

Nelle said...

and thats exactly the way we want it...the way YOU created it...who cares about a date...patiently waiting for this masterpiece! Love love you Aubrey Drake Graham *muah*

Anonymous said...



kiya said...

Drizzy. You gotta do what you gotta do. I have faith you did this for the best interest of your fans.take care -Kiya

JAMES J said...


Anonymous said...

Please come to Horn Lake high School in Mississippi. It would mean a lot to the Graduating class. I understand that you are a busy guy but would you take this into consideration. Thats all I'm asking. -Byron Glover

Bee Michelle said...

Drizzy I fuckin feel you. Thanks for telling us yourself. November 15th. Can't wait.

daniela natalia said...

:( as much as im sad. its sunderstood , thankyou drake, lots of love. your music is everything to me

Anonymous said...

same week as Mac Miller's debut album november 11 ;)

CamBurnTeamOD said...

Appreciate It. I'd Rather Have It Done Right Than On Time

Anonymous said...

Drake, it's whatever you think will work. Still gonna cop 3 CD's..just visit the UK soon.

Su'Lee said...

im very disappointed but we understand !!! we love yu and will support yu no matter wat !!! #teamdrizzy forever !!!

Big A said...

still going to be good

Anonymous said...

Your true fans dont care about a date! we just want your music! so excited Drizzy its worth the wait!

Unknown said...

Can't wait for Take Care.

delatay said...

Great! We're still BUYING the album regardless. As long as Drake is saying what's really on his heart on it. That OVO... And That XO.

@cblainOVO said...

Come to A&M! I know your a fan. That pic of you at that bball game is getting passed around like wildfire over here..get it, wildfire?



@Trizzy618 said...

We understand drizzy its ok Hell closer 2 pay day

Anonymous said...


JaziCakes said...

I don't wanna wait

hazelnashox said...


All'Bueno said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...


All'Bueno said...

Cant wait 2hear ur new music #AllBueno

Lyrikal Beauty said...

It's ok Drizzy.. No matter the date... it's worth the wait.XO

jasmukherjee said...

remember to celebrate your birthday while you're making your music , take pleasure..TAKE CARE

Vo-Kal said...

Thank You A Legitimate Reason For Pushing Back An Album

Frannie said...


datkidzero978 said...

I was really looking forward to the birthday release but FUCK IT November 15th it is! OVOXO.

Shaunda_soFargone said...


Anonymous said...

The day after my birthday, I aint trippin Drizzy i can wait I know its gone bang

Ashley said...

Awh ii was soo looking forward to October 24 but i guess i have to wait a little longer.! but hey its a few days off from my birthday :) i love you and your music.! its AMAZING <3

Nia said...

Thank you for taking the extra time, with your fans in mind, to create a master piece that we could enjoy, and that you can be proud of....I'm a little bummed about the push back, but I kno when it comes out, its gonna blow up!!!. I love you so much Drake and I can't wait....
- Take Care/Nov.15 :):):):):)

Anonymous said...


JaziCakes said...

I don't wanna wait but I know its gone be worth the wait!!! I Love DRAKE so much and a true fan will see no problem with this.. follow me on twitter guys @PrettiJazi

Anonymous said...

Okay, I was actuality starting the watch the calender. Patience I suppose...

Anonymous said...

Seriouuusly!?!?! I just bought tickets for when you come to U of I :( I wanna refund! I neeed to see you!

Unknown said...

Why not November 18th?
I mean you said it feels like when you made So Far Gone, so give us that reference. haha
We're all patiently waiting for your art.

tyrexo said...

Got it preorded and i got concert tix follow me @Tyrexo

@ravi_sharma2 said...

Take Time. Take Care. November 15th it is

lauren araujo said...

I'm soo upset :( I can't wait any longer :/ but its alrite it'll be worth the wait♥ I know it'll be amazing! I don't know what I'd do without your music. Love you so much

Follow me please! @laurenxvictoria

#TeamDrizzy Forever!

Johnny said...

Make this album what it's been cracked up to be, Drizzy. Me and all your fans know you got what it takes, even if we have to wait. OVOXO forever <3

Anonymous said...

come to Ohio University in Athens Ohio :)
#1 party school! i love you drizzy!

Anonymous said...

i love u drizzy n u r all about putting out the best so i dont mind waiting

Anonymous said...

I just hope you dont have a bunch of features on it this time.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter. Still gonna buy multiple copies of Take Care...

Anonymous said...

I can wait! Love your music. <3

Anonymous said...

Good date & please come to Brackenridge high school in San Antonio Texas

FYL Entertainment said...

Damn it's all good tho looks like November will be Wale & Drizzy month

Anonymous said...

That actually works out perfect, because you'll clean up on Black Friday sells which will boost Take Care album sells.... We'll all benefit... a complete story to soothe our souls and another way to stay on top! Until then... The Weeknd keeps me calm..

Anonymous said...

what if you bought tickets already?!

Anonymous said...

this bull shit at its best. they first promise us "its never enough mixtap" then they canceled it ,now after a long wait for the album they extend the release date.this is an addict to drakes music. they owe as a sorry for the push release date mixtap"

Anonymous said...

Not gonna lie, I'm so sad right now because I've been waiting for another Drake album since Thank Me Later but I completely understand. I admire that you are willing to push back the date to give your fans the best music that you can instead of releasing the album and hoping that it's good enough. Looking forward to it! #TakeCare

Anonymous said...

im to hyped for this album to drop. I was looking foward to october 24 and now im going crazy but watever november 15 gonna be a good tuesday for me.

Ryan Miller said...

Thanks for telling us yourself. We'll support you no matter what the date. Take Care

OVOthianaYM said...

I doubt you will read this but PLEASE do so. Better late than never. Its understandable. It's absolutely indescribable how excited I am for Take Care. Your music means the world to me. What makes you so different is how REAL you are and how you put your character into your music. I'd rather have it the way YOU meant for it to be than incomplete or not as good as it could have been. Things are going to be so different after Take Care. You make a great impact on all your fans perspectives. Your music always reminds me to never lose hope. Keep doing you and don't change for anyone! There is one thing I ask and it would make my life complete if you added a date to the Club Paradise Tour for ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO!!! I wouldn't miss it for the world. Please put that into consideration! You're nothing short of amazing. Until November 15th, Take Care.

Anonymous said...

I'm really upset that the date got moved again, but you do what you gotta do. I know this album is gonna be mind blowing, your gonna kill it Drake<3 I love you more than anything <3 I can't wait until November 15th<333 Take Care. - Layla Elmenayer

Timelesspk said...

Thanks at least for letting us know in your own words :) Iam mad I just bought tickets earlier today :O but its for sure that its going to be worth the wait good luck


K a n i n i said...

What happens if I already bought tickets to your Greensboro concert?

Dresden said...

I was excited for the 24th cause that's my number! But it's all least it's for a good reason. I'm sure if they are true fans, they'd understand. We all want to hear your music the way you want us to. I can't wait! November 15th it is! :) Counting down the days!!! Take Care.

drakesveryown said...

ommmmmgggggggggggggggggg i wanted it to come out before my bday so i can blast it all day.... my birthday is oct 25 and i wassss super excited to hear it but since i love drake so much i can wait...:(

Anonymous said...

I love you drake. You are so inspirational to me. I never buy cds.. ever. I just usually download and burn them for friends. But your cd will be the 1st cd I buy in a long time. Hit me up on twitter @diamond_stayfab

And I can't wait for you to come to columbia SC :)

Anonymous said...

Typical Young Money bullshit, putting the release further back! The least you can do is drop some new music after this setback! Disappointed to say the least!

Skin In The City said...

just incase... words to the wise/ Don't second guess your work, it is yours and you can't auto correct ur own life (it belongs to you & as you are is how your loved by all)

Anonymous said...

Cole got this nigga pushing his album back I see...

Anonymous said...

Please leave young are to good of an artist to be with them.I always imagine if you were on good music with kanye/cudi or even roc nation.You are to real to be around a bunch of fakes.

Emma said...

Yesss that's on my birthday! #TakeCare
Follow me @emmasonit

Anonymous said...

YMCMB OVOXO Follow @mauryroscini on Twitter. Take Care. We the bi$ne$$.

Anonymous said...


Emma said...

Yesss that's on my birthday! #TakeCare
Follow me @emmasonit

Kakuro said...

We can't wait that long! Haha. It's okay Drake. We still love you.

avVFL531 said...

Please come to chicago, NOT CHAMPAIGN

Anonymous said...

THIS IS SO UPSETTING..i was sososo excited :(

Danielle said...

Well how nicely put, true craftsman. Excited!

Love from London <3

Tisha_teamtravy said...

omgeee drake it's cool i can't wait too hear it worth the wait loveeee u drake:)

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to listen to it Drizzy. #revolutionaryflowineveryscenerio @itisricky

OhSheila~ said...

You dumb bastards talking about Young Money--this is ALL DRAKE's FAULT. This aint got jack to do with YM! Drake's been doing things his way and you see how late, backwards and confusing the roll out has been.

Slapdash mess in this bitch, wassssup!!

All the lean, tats, sloppy roll out of singles, late videos etc--that's all DRAKE and Operation Toronto. If anything, YM has given him too much freedom. It's clear he don't really know what the fug he's doing.

These artists need to hear the TRUTH and not be coddled by all the d-riding stans!! GET IT TOGETHER DRAKE!!

tonya said...

Jackson, MS :)))

Anonymous said...

Mannnnnnn been waiting to long for this album now i gotta wait another month smh ur fucking up drake

Sincerely, Sam said...

Hope all your songs are as original and personal as your last album! :)

Anonymous said...

man i think drizzys keeping every one on the edge of their seats fml i hope they leak take care so he wont push shit back any more lol

Anonymous said...

We'll be waiting Drizzy! You're worth the wait! XOX-OVO

Anonymous said...

Im so sad!! Im going to have to wait for sooo long!!! :( But I understand now.

CC said...

As long as it comes out ... Been waiting on this for a minute.. I love love love me some #Drizzy

CC said...

As long as it comes out that's all that matters... I love love love me some #Drizzy

zimbs said...

Please come to London LOVE YOU DRIZZY #ovoxo

Nia said...

No problemo!

You know that I 'fux' with you ALL THE WAY!

You've got my support REGARDLESS of whether the release date is in October or later!

Take Care


Gisel Bello said...

I respect that, I'll still buy it n e ways even if it doesn't come out till next year... :)

Anonymous said...

November 15 is the release for Tyga's album also. I wonder what they're going to do about that.

Mohea said...

Drizzy, I waited impatiently on October 24 but it doesn't matter, I'd wait on November 15. Great! It's two days after my Bday. You can come in Martinique (French island in the Caribbean) and go to Bellevue High School. I want that to happen too! ♥ :)

Anonymous said...

what if i already bought tickets before the reschedule? will It go over to the date after new years

Anonymous said...

Ahh 2 Days After My Birthdayy! (:
Cant Wait For The Album<3

barb_theBAD said...

Ayyye!! Nov. 15th is mi lil brother's birthday!! :D Nd idc when u drop it, as long as it drops!! I love you Drizzy!!! Definitely buying this!!! No doubt abt it!!! Muuuuuaaaahhhh!!!! Take Care mi love!!! ^_^

Anonymous said...

what if i already bought tickets before the reschedule? will It go over to the date after new years

Anonymous said...

This some BS,Cmon Drake,
Im just sayin you could do better

Anonymous said...

omg please tell me you are doing a college tour ! you have to come to mercy college in ny PLEAASSSSEEEE !!!

@Alexx_Major said...

3 more weeks is worth having the album how you want it without any regrets.

Anonymous said...

Club Paradise Tour will also be moved

what if i already bought my tickets will they work then or do i get a refund.?

Anonymous said...

You have to come to Tampa Florida. nuff said. XOXO magen

Anonymous said...

OKAY. EVERYONE who's sayin " your fucking up Drake..' YOU STFU! Hes doing this to BENEFIT you! If you were a REAL fan you would WAIT!Rome wasnt built in a DAY.. god u Drake! NOVEMBER 15th! Cool cool waiting on your GENIUS to flood my ears!<3

Mickeyflem1 said...

Take your time. You are what the industry needed.

Anonymous said...

i bought tickets for the first show. so will i get a refund?

Anonymous said...

Thank my luv bug that will b my birthday gift 2 my self...nov.15 is my cake day!!!!! ;-);-);-) u put me n my zone when ur n my ear!!!!!..Ms.November Very Own:-)

Anonymous said...

Thank my luv bug that will b my birthday gift 2 my self...nov.15 is my cake day!!!!! ;-);-);-) u put me n my zone when ur n my ear!!!!!..Ms.November Very Own:-)

Littlesims2chick said...

Aww it's still worth the wait what's fucked up is I marked my calendars and shot oh well gotta remark em now lol
Ovoxo 38 more days :) it won't be that long time flys by u can only imagine what was goin thru ur mind when u had 2 make that decision it's all gud tho :)

Anonymous said...

This album was gonna be 1 of my birthday present...but I can wait

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh Drizzy Baby we all were looking forward too Draketober but i guess turkey month it shall be. Ball High in Galveston, TX needs you too visit, we all have a certain love for you, more special then any one fan could give. We have our own mini Drake, and he would love for his dream too see his idol, come true. Love you Drake.
- Ovoxo.

Rudy Alexander M. said...

If the you can be scheduled I hope you come to Milwaukee, this city has so many colleges that would come together for one night and enjoy the city together.
Can't wait to buy the album.

Unknown said...

I cant waiiiiiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unknown said...

i cant wait!!!!

lilshaunzy said...

Drake that's inspiring man, im releasing a mixtape on Christmas Day, you keep me motivated musically bro, hope to record with you soon. GODBLESS YOU & OVOXO, @LILSHAUNZY OUT..

Anonymous said...

You got to release a new single to make the wait seem less

Chris said...

Yo Drake since you pushed the album back can you give your die hard waiting fans The Real Her...??

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

As long as trust issues is on on their, and the album is good, then I don't care.

jrlopez1995 said...

drop another single in the mean time ;P

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Marissa said...

OVO Clique over everythingggg <3

Phorty said...

I thought your dad was a lawyer jimmy,
never should have ratted him out on the affair.

Erin said...

A little sad, but still down for the cause :)

Are you canceling the tour dates that have already been released? We've already bought tickets....

Take care...


Anonymous said...

And that's exactly what we want from you Drizzy, the way YOU created it! True fans won't complain about a delay as long as its released s'all good baby! Love you and your music!! Follow me @MellySardu #TeamDrizzy for ever!!! xxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that he actalluy cares enough to push the date, I can't wait to hear it.. Follow me on twitter @IkeNdugba11

K said...

Don't compromise your art, Drake. November 15th, 2011 it is.

Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh alright man! I was so pumped for oct 24 - but all good, another couple wont hurt. Paper work sucks for sure, I'm sure you're frustrated as hell about it. Please come tour Germany, would love to see you out here - ovoxo

Zarick said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Zarick said...

damn.. was really lookin' forward to getting the album on oct. 24.. but it's cool.. can't wait though.. it'll be honestly.. a classic.. much love drake..

Anonymous said...

Wish it was sooner but guess we have no choice but to wait :-(

Anonymous said...

"If they dont get it they'll be over you.That new shit that you got is overdue.YOU BETTER DO WHAT YOU SUPPOSE TO DO"

Kayla Simone said...

what happens if I already bought my ticket for the November 19th in Columbia SC?

Anonymous said...

As long as its not a bunch of tracks we already have.

Drizzy said...

Ok, i'm respect with your music but Why why and why you delays ur Album release, Drake???

Anonymous said...

Come to Zion Heights Junior High School in North York Toronto ! Supporting you from your hometown and ours ! It'd be great to see you and can't wait for the album to drop ! <3
-Takecare <3

Anonymous said...

i really was looking forward on october bro, but i guess you moving it up on november 15. please come visit us at galveston tx ball high school one day, and we all love you down here and i know you gonna make this ablum the best and you are the best one on young money keep yo head up and stay killing shit bro!! yo number1fan #ovoxo

Anonymous said...

everybody shout out drake and this take care its aight drake just make sure yu kill this album bruh#teamdrizzy

Tracy said...

When will pre-order be available?

Anonymous said...

Damn November 15th I was so ready for October 24th. But its all good. You should come do a club paradise show in Texas!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you can still make it to The Patriot Center in Fairfax, whenever it is... Been waiting to see you for 4 years now! OVOXO

jonj said...

Drizzy there is nothing you can do to stop us listening to your music. We're still here and we always are going to be here. Don't stop what you doing. Good music lasts for a long time. But real music last forever. Ovoxo forever.
- jon

Anonymous said...

Drake I Needed This Album Sooner Than Oct 24th and You Moved it. But its All Good , BUT can You Atleast Drop Something That Won't Be On The Album For The Fans Bcuz Of The Wait , Like You Did For Thank Me Later , With 9 a.m in Dallas? Just For The Fans. We Need Something. Drop The Track On Oct. 24th .


liljbjustbetter said...

Drake knows what he is doing.. This album is gonna be a classic something we are gonna listen to for years to come.. I feel as if He has songs that can relate to any situtation

Anonymous said...

october 24th was my birthday ! CMON Drizzy ! what you doing...

Shelisa said...

October 24th is my birthday too. :/ BUT I'm a fan regardless. I can't wait to see you in Atlanta so until November 15th and whenever you're in Atlanta Take Care. OVOXO

Anonymous said...

'Perfection is never rushed.'

The UK loves your music Drizzy. Make sure you hit London soon man.

Take Care... Nov 15th... OVOXO

Follow me @JackGeorge10

Anonymous said...

bad decision good intentions

LisaHolden said...

Come out to the GTA, shred the GM Centre in oshawa, ;)
Much Love Drizzy !

sophia said...

can't wait :) bring take care to australia xx

RishaBabyy14 said...

AYEEE!! Thats My Birthday !! :) <3 November 15! Soo Happy Rite Now I Can Wait !

RishaBabyy14 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TeamDrickiNYC said...

I'm still buying it!!

RichieRich said...

trust & believe we can wait a couple more weeks for the album of the year to drop.. ovoxo

Drake's Futuree . said...

# Sadd But I Understand .

BonafideSexyG said...

How are you tonight? I'm good. I got back from Mesquite and kind of tired. I was listening to Pandora, and I didn't realized that you had a song with Timbaland. "Say Something..." came on the radio, then I heard you on there too. Is that Aubrey Graham? It was MOST Awesome!!! :)

Anyway... November 15th? Well, like I said before, don't do anything impulsive. Take your time on take care. :) I don't think anyone is in any rush. Concert dates can be changed. People can exchange their tickets and get refunds. People can re-purchase tickets. It all works out in the end. When Take Care comes out, whenever it does, and when Club Paradise tour starts it will be brilliant.

So are you having any new songs on? What are you doing that's taking so much time? Will you show us? I like the letters, but you still never say "I love you" (that's cool, but you never say it)... See you soon (that's lame)... :) Twitter sounds so automated though, it's great to see you write a REAL letter. OVO site is the real you. :) Well, Nov. 15 no pressure. Don't work too hard. Have a great night. :)
Love ya,

OTH1968 said...

dont rush...all good things will come for those who wait..we understand you turmoil that had brung you to this decision It will be beneficial to all who want to listen, soak, and live the lyrics that inspires you to tell the story..(full circle)from odie

BonafideSexyG said...

I blame this one on Pandora. Since the song came on Pandora, it's not my fault. :) I have to do this. I'm going to torture all your fans with the lyrics to "Say Something", and the youtube link for the video. It's a must see. The girl in the video is really cute (reminds me of ...hmm myself)?


This shit was all I knew,
you and me only,
and I did it all for you,
still you were lonely,
we coulda worked it out,

uhh, but i guess things change,
its funny how someone else’s success brings pain,
when ya no longer involved that person has it all,
and you just stuck standing there,

But, I’m gonna need you to Say Something baby,
say something baby,
say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby,

it really sucks but ever since I’ve been long gone,
I traded in my senorita for a microphone,
I hate the way you fell apart girl, its sad to see,
your life is good but me and you we a catastrophe,
if I was unsuccess-ful would you be satisfied,
I need a paramedic girl, I’m feeling paralyzed,
if I could choose, you will always be a friend to me,
the more money I made you actin like my enemy,
its crazy, I can’t help it if you feel ashamed,
lots of pressure will turn you into my diamond jade,
how can something so familiar be so strange,
closest friends get estranged when your status change,
ahh, is it my mistake, think that where I am and where you at,
and my whole wild … is the only one that had my back,
you were the perfect girl and now it seems we don’t match,
is it the money, want me to give it back

[Drake] (Chorus)
This sh-t was all I knew,
you and me only,
and I did it all for you,
still you were lonely,
we coulda worked it out,

uhh, but i guess things change,
its funny how someone else’s success brings pain,
when ya no longer involved that person has it all,
and you just stuck standing there,

But, I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
say something baby,
say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby,

Uhh, i am the topic of conversation, this a celebration,
lets toast to the fact that I moved out my momma basement,
to a condo downtown because its all about location,
I sit and drink wine and watch californication of life,
you shoulda been here to kick it with me,
we coulda split this whole thing up 50/50,
but now i’m at the 40/40 getting bitches tipsy,
killing shit the ever so talented Mr Ripley,
how I go from being the man that you argue with,
to me and Dwayne Carter putting out the hardest shit,
I should wanna go back to the one I started with,
but I’m addicted to this life its gonna be hard to quit,
yeah, just ask me how things are coming along,
you can tell me that you never heard none of my songs,
long as you end up saying one day you plan to listen,
cus whats a star when its most important fan is missing'

[Drake] (Chorus)
This shit was all I knew,
you and me only,
and I did it all for you,
still you were lonely,
we coulda worked it out,

uhh, but i guess things change,
its funny how someone else’s success brings pain,
when ya no longer involved that person has it all,
and you just stuck standing there,

But, I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
say something baby,
say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby,
I’m gonna need you to say something baby

Anonymous said...

As excited I was for the album to come out in october, I can still wait, patience is a virtue. I totally respect and adore you! Much love and please visit london! And please do follow me back on twitter @MousGraham ;*

OTH1968 said...

Still keep the celebration going..your birthday is coming.. What are your plans to celebrate another year of being inspired,knowing that u have family who will always have your back,always telling your stories true without reservation or hesitation,and trying to be true to u..keep shining but dont be consumed...(full circle)odie

Real Music Gang said...

Fuck that nigga im on yo music you remember how many times you pushed back Thank me Later get that shit together....But you still the best Artist Alive...N put out a single with The Weeknd for me n coming soon OVOXO-Real Music Gang

Leti said...

Drizzy, it's all good! As long as we get to hear "Take Care" uncut and the realist you, that's all that matters. Doesn't matter when you release it : )

RellyRellz said...

this is straight up bullshit man, but w.e. He does this all the time so its habitual for me to expect push backs all the time.

Take Care...Nov 15. Yay. -.-

Anonymous said...

good decisions, good intentions.

Jay Fife said...


Wills-Z said...

wtf Drizz.. i been waiting on this shitt for years wut happened to the birthday?!

NIKOle said...

Patience brings pleasure. Well made decision. Xoxo

tamarahbytch said...

wull geez i guess i can wait:) and pushing back the tour dates is juss fine w/ me.......long az yer comin to mn! Eeeeeee so excited! Oh me goodness yer so fokin talented n sexy!

Anonymous said...


Jack said...

Finee,at least make a club paradise videoclip or something before the album drops!!!

Grajah Merch said...

Dear Aubrey,

The push-back is understandable. And respectable. I'd rather hear the complete version as well, instead of something rushed and unorganic. So thank you for still believing in taking your time, which has yet to be said among your counterparts.

Take Care,

Grajah Merch

Anonymous said...

Don't push the album date please

Trevor said...

Bet he releases a single on his bday!

Linda Bby said...

im not complaining
cause that's the day
you come on tour to va
& it's worth the wait :)

your so talented
& a m a z i n g .
keep doin' what you do .
- xoxo

Anonymous said...

Dude honestly your music is gold and inspires me. I just started recording a mixtape yesterday and it is HEAVILY influenced by you man. I can wait till Nov. 15th though D:

Anonymous said...

I luv ur honesty oct24 is very special to but if its worth a wait ill wait nov 15,11 here it comes it will be here soon

Aya said...

I LOVE YOU DRAKE!!! Can't wait to see you when you kill the concert in Columbia, SC!!! I've been ready to cop another one of your albums 2 months after thank me later!

Ms. Lee said...

Good things come to those who wait.


Fanny said...


TeJAS said...

I'm not gonna dl or sneak a peek at any more songs off "tc" i want to listen to the album like i got virgin ears

Cooper Charlton said...

A Clockwork Orange, originally had 21 chapters. American publishing companies cut out the last chapter, in Anthony Burgess's classic, he felt it was ruined. The last chapter left people understanding life than questioning it. Like you said, take you time.

I'm from the states, but have been living in Toronto for almost 2 months. The vibes from Your Music here are powerful.


Anonymous said...

Very dissapointed that it got pushed back. I was really looking forward to it coming out, but it's all good much love and respect for drake. I can feel that this albums gonna go down in the books! -OVOXO TILL WE OD.

wendyjoanna said...

Drake' <3 come to Los Angeles
All the people in LA would really appreciate it,,,
Bring The Club Paradise Tour to LA too,
& November 15, 2011 can't wait Take Care
Finally the world will get to listen to it
& I will finally get it ^_^

MsHunnyBee86 said...

Thank you for letting us know. I'm sure it's worth the wait....

kittykatie said...

mhm this is why i love you.

Drizzy_Music_Luvva' said...

No problem Drizzy -- "Do What U Do" and I'll do what I have 2 do until 11/15. Patience is a virtue -- I'M GOOD!!! :)

Continue 2 Take Care...

Anonymous said...

Man I am so excited for this album...I was happy it was coming out Homecoming week, but shoot I dont mind waiting! I love you Drake

Anonymous said...

I can't front i'm a lil bummed that the date has been pushed back, but i can respect where you coming from. I'm just hoping that it's worth the wait. xoxo

Jessica Nicole said...

Its okay. i'm patiently waiting because i NEED to hear what you have to say to get me though my days. your words mean more than you know.

Anonymous said...

im very disappointed but we understand.. hope you visit germany again soon!

Anonymous said...

Guess its gon be worth the wait... Its fine...

R Coley said...

Leggo November 15th is my Birthday. I ain't mad thoe. I hope the club paradise tour will be in the UK also ...

Anonymous said...

kinda disappointed but i know u gon kill this shit so lets run on november 15th!!

shikara24 said...

I don't care anyway, as long as its released. Your an amazing artist and your usic is amazing too. DRIZZY <3

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